Quality Management Systems (QMS) Policy (ISO9001:2015 compliant)
Ashling’s Quality Management System is certified to ISO9001:2015 standards and has been independently audited and verified in both our Limerick (Ireland) and Cochin (India) sites. Ashling provides development tools and services for the embedded engineering industry and we are committed to designing, developing, and delivering products that meet or exceed our customer’s needs and expectations. We shall comply with customer requirements, statutory and regulatory requirements, the requirements of all other interested parties and our business & quality objectives. We ask, listen, and respond to, the needs of our customers and use this information to define our quality objectives to help us continually improve.
It is our policy to encourage the concept of quality in all employees whereby everyone assumes full responsibility for the quality of their work and takes a pride in the company’s reputation for well-designed tools, services, and customer support.
We will work to achieve continual improvement of the Quality Management System and the quality of service and constantly review all systems and procedures to this end. Management will encourage innovation within the company and provide adequate training and development for all staff to carry out their functions to the highest possible standard.
Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) Policy
Ashling provides development tools and services for the embedded engineering industry. We shall ensure with due confidentiality and integrity, the availability of data in all forms pertaining to our customers and the organization. We are committed towards ensuring an effective Information Security Management System in line with our risk assessment criteria, meeting all business, legal, regulatory, and statutory requirements applicable to the Organization and shall strive to continually improve the effectiveness of our Information Security Management System.
Hugh O’Keeffe, Ashling CEO, 12th June 2023